We are working on compiling a library of resources containing links to articles, tips, strategies, and other helpful materials related to universal design for learning.


Please check back soon to explore these resources!


Have a UDL resource that you have used that you found helpful and would like to share? Contact your HUDL Ambassador for submission details.

UDL Library of Resources

This library of resources contains links to articles, tips, strategies, and other helpful materials related to universal design for learning. These resources are organized by topic.

General UDL Resources

UDL Guidelines, Checkpoints and Organizational Structure

  • Burgstahler, S. (2020). Universal Design of Instruction (UDI): Definition, Principles, Guidelines, and Examples. Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology. https://www.washington.edu/doit/universal-design-instruction-udi-definition-principles-guidelines-and-examples
  • Interactive UDL Guidelines graphic organizer – A tool developed by CAST to support the development and design of goals, assessments, methods, and materials that lead to accessible, meaningful, and challenging learning experiences for all. Aligned with the nine guidelines are a total of 31 checkpoints — suggestions for ways in which instruction may be varied in its design for each guideline area. Each checkpoint includes research that was used to support the development of the checkpoint.
  • UDL Guidelines and Structure – This video provides an overview of the organizational structure of the guidelines as well as a rationale for why it is organized the way it is. View time: 2:28.
  • UDL Guidelines Graphic Organizer (PDF) – UDL Guidelines Graphic Organizer in PDF format
  • UDL Guidelines Navigation – This video provides guidance for how to navigate through CAST’s Interactive UDL Guidelines graphic organizer. View time: 0:56.

Expert Learning and Evidence-Based Research: Connections to Neuroscience and the Cognitive Sciences

  • UDL and the Learning Brain – A short article that highlights the results of targeted brain studies that illustrate the diverse ways in which our brains learn, implying that educators must provide flexibility in the curriculum to meet the needs of all learners.
  • Executive Functioning – Executive functioning (EF) is a term used to describe a set of cognitive capabilities that influence behaviors in areas such as problem-solving, goal setting, and prioritizing. Because students are more autonomous in online courses, understanding EF can help faculty use and design specific strategies in the online environment to support executive functioning.
  • Research Evidence – CAST provides foundational research and promising practices. They have organized research on their site by Checkpoint. To see the specific research evidence related to each Checkpoint, navigate to the individual Checkpoint’s page and select the Research link in the sidebar.

Inclusive Pedagogy

UDL In Higher Education

  • Four Areas of Focus : A series of videos highlighting HUDL’s four areas of focus that are aligned with CAST’s three main principles of UDL. Total view time: 19:10.
  • UDL Exemplars: Explore exemplars to learn how faculty have collectively integrated

Inclusion and Alignment of UDL principles in Higher Ed courses

General UDL in Higher Ed

Higher Education Research

General Barriers to Learning

Implicit Bias Resources

Addressing Barriers to Learning

How UDL Addresses Learning Barriers

Instructional Methods

  • This comprehensive toolkit aligns hundreds of instructional methods and tools to UDL guidelines. The resource helps educators select strategies that remove barriers so that all students can achieve learning goals. Though many strategies are K-12 specific, many can be applied to higher education.

Implementing UDL / Getting Started

Challenges to Implementing UDL

