Integrating UDL into Your Course
UDL focuses on designing for everyone to create an inclusive learning environment in which all learners can succeed.
Integrating UDL into your course works best when you implement it from the start. Building UDL into your content, activities, and assessments, instead of trying to retrofit it after the fact, is the best way to take all learners’ needs and abilities into consideration.
So how do you do it?
There isn’t a single, step-by-step guide for integrating UDL practices in an individual piece of content, activity, or assessment. Instead, UDL is an inclusive framework that provides access to, develops, and empowers all students to become expert learners. This includes purposefully building and delivering a course that fosters expert learners from as wide a variety of students as possible. The framework considers providing opportunity for all students in any context, including but not limited to those with documented accommodations, no matter the discipline nor platform.